Invest In Your Future

Training Systems
by TV Host & Instructor Kevin Tetz
Paintucation Learning Center by TV Host and Instructor Kevin Tetz.
Classic Paintucation DVD's, Paintucation on Demand, and Paintucation University.
Classic Paintucation DVD's - Get an education in automotive restoration with this 7 DVD PaintUCation Set by Kevin Tetz. This 7 DVD set from Paintucation and hosted by Kevin Tetz takes you through every step to repair and restore you car’s body. Kevin speaks in easy to understand language and shows you the tricks the pros know. Learn the basics and perform a show winning resto job. Contains 7 DVDs with more than 7 hours of hands on instruction. Body Shop Basics, Metal Prep and Rust Repair, How to Paint, Color Sanding and Buffing, Body Panel Replacement and Fiberglass Repair, Paint Your Own Car and Paint Your Own Truck.
Paintucation On-Demand - Get the classic Paintucation DVD series On-Demand. It's an education in automotive restoration. PaintUCation by Kevin Tetz. This series of educational DVD's is now available to stream On-Demand. World renowned TV Host Kevin Tetz takes you through every step to repair and restore you car’s body. Kevin speaks in easy to understand language and shows you the tricks the pros know. Learn the basics and perform a show winning resto job. Contains more than 7 hours of hands on instruction. Body Shop Basics, Metal Prep and Rust Repair, How to Paint, Color Sanding and Buffing, Body Panel Replacement and Fiberglass Repair, Paint Your Own Car and Paint Your Own Truck.
Paintucation University is an ALL NEW web based Interactive Training Course that unitizes the power of interactivity within the video. As shown in the video above, the increased engagement provides a better user experience and it even integrates valuable tool discounts for purchasing within the video. Furthermore the ALL NEW Paintucation University provides a complete educational format with interactive courseware that requires the user to pass each section, to move on to the next. This is all built around Kevin Tetz decades of experience. When you complete the course, you will be provided an exclusive, respected printable Paintucation Certification. However, you are encouraged to go back and repeat any and all courseware as often as you like. Also get exclusive offers and additional training resources within the training system itself.
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Purchase the classic Paintucation DVD's.
Paintucation University
Paintucation University is an ALL NEW, interactive web based training system. With the use of interactive courseware, you learn all the latest techniques and painting systems in a step-by-step interactive course, completing section by section until completed. Upon completion, you receive an exclusive certification.
Stream the classic Paintucation DVD's On Demand.
Get "Passion to Profit"
for Only $99.99
Small Business Course
Passion to Profit
- Customer Relation Strategies
- Estimates & Damage Analysis
- Money
- Shop Set Up, Tools & Equipment
- Overhead - Cost of Doing Business
- Insurance & Taxes
- Advertising
- Unlimited Review Access
- Downloadable Resources
- Only $99.99

Practice with the coach! And get prepared for the game!!
The spray coach is a dry training system, designed to teach you perfect technique without spraying a drop of paint! Spray coach is a simple attachment that fits on almost any spray gun, and combined with the instruction book and DVD will teach you what perfect spray technique is supposed to feel like.
Only $19.95

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